Thursday, May 14, 2009

Two Days Off ????

Have you ever taken a day off or multiple days off and after those days wondered how your time spent was actually considered relaxing. Are those days off non relaxing because there were items that got in your way to make those days actually relaxing? I have had a few days where life felt like a whirlwind and there were joyous times and times where you wondered what in the world was going on. Sometimes I was wishing that I was at Bloomville pool buying a bag of Cheetos for 25 cents and getting kicked out the pool because of hanging on the diving board.

My Tuesday started out with the normal daddy routine of diapers, formula and a ton of playing because the "little one" loves to smile and play with her dad now. Its quite priceless I must say. I can say that I cant wait for my followers on here to experience this. Its better then Wisestock times 1000. (U get the point) After this life took the corkscrew turn. Dad Martin and Madelynn went to meet with the Bank to refinance. That is more painful than a hernia. However, hopefully the outcome is worth it. While little Madelynn sat on the Vice President's of the Banks desk I had two calls come in to make real estate showings and possible contracts for the day. I will spare the details but lets say that this has never happened to me before in 5 years of real estate. To make a long story short Madelynn helped me make two contracts within a 3 hour time span, managed to play in her saucer for 30 minutes straight to help out dad and watched him almost do the Scott Morrison routine. (Next whirlwind, Next paragraph)

While trying to get the now crying girl to sleep I tossed her blanket in the air while watching it come down on a large cup of gatorade. Yes, then this volcanic explosion of grape decided to head towards my IMAC. No damage done but lets just say this involved a blow dryer, paper towels, crying baby and almost a crying dad. So finally, when Natalie got off work I could only muster three words "Please Come Home"

"A Day Off I Think Not" 

1 comment:

  1. (speechless: shaking head as both an action of extreme empathy and disbelief)
