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When you get to the Sidenote Part of the Blog this is the song that
always plays in my head when the car is passing over the bridge.
I don't know why!
You know I am weird and that is part of the reason why
I am your friend. Onto the Blog:
The month of August has had a lot of promise and I am glad that it has since we have to enter the workforce in about 20 days. Sorry for the reminder my teaching buddies. As I drove to NY the other weekend to visit my brother it allowed me to think about a lot of things that I chose to blog. I chose to blog to discuss an array of items and because one of my friends criticized my blog numbers the past month. No names will be included but lets just say he doesn't like coffee in the morning, enough said. I packed up the Jetta with Natalie and the little one in the backseat. I was not happy about commanding the ship alone upfront and unfortunately I felt like Driving Ms.Daisy. The two in the back slept 75% of the time but this allowed me to contemplate many items like not visiting the lake this summer to how fun our trips to NY and Chicago were going to be in the remaining weeks of summer. Not only that but OSU football starts in one month.
After thinking about all of these fun items for about 10 hours we came upon the the GW Bridge. For you that have been to NY its a remarkable site and for you that are historians its remarkable to think about the excitement that so many experience coming to NY for a new life like my brother did.
Side Note: Have you ever seen the part in a movie(usually the intro) where its a helicopter view of a jeep going into a city because a guy is starting his life over based on a plot that his wife left him and he lost his job etc. Thats what I feel like every time I across the GW. However, my wife is in the car with poop pants in the back.
Back to the Blog: So it gets to the point have you ever watched the film Family Man? If you haven't its about a man that goes back and he sees his life as it would be if he made different decisions along the way. It got me thinking what would have happened if I would have stayed with one of my crazy GF's or would have decided not to go to OSU and went and played bball somewhere. How life would be so different just because of a different decision here and there. Scary if you think about it, especially since you have no idea about anything you want to do in life at that age.
So let's play some fiction here. Reply back with another option that you could have chose in your life and give me the ending result.
If it don't make money it dont make cents...
Master P